Hair Transplant Clinic by Dr. MFO

Does Hair Transplantation Work? Here is the answer!

The recent increase in hair loss cases has also increased the demand for hair transplantation. Hair loss is a problem that can be seen in men and women due to changing diet, increased stress, genetic factors, disease or some hormone treatments. This problem weakens self-confidence and leads to some mental problems. Hair transplantation is a good treatment method both to regain the lost health of our hair and to gain self-confidence.

Hair transplantation is performed by transplanting hair taken from another part of the head to the required area with various methods. So does hair transplantation work?

Is hair transplantation effective?

The answer to this question is definitely yes. Hair transplantation is a long-term solution for healthy and strong hair. Hair follicles are particularly sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This causes hair follicles to shrink and hair loss. Hair transplantation can be your biggest saviour at this point. Although hair transplantation may seem like a simple procedure, this treatment method requires sensitivity as in every treatment method. Because the methods will vary according to the person’s expectations and hair structure. Performing the operation in the most accurate way requires expertise. Otherwise, the results may not be as expected.

What is the success rate of hair transplantation?

In general, although the success rate of hair transplants varies from person to person, the expected success rate is between 75% and 95%. However, 4 steps are very important for this success:

  • Performing the procedure that the surgeon deems appropriate according to your hair structure and your expectations,
  • The surgeon’s expertise,
  • The amount of hair loss,
  • Good and careful care of the hair during recovery after hair transplantation are important factors that directly affect the success rate.

What are the successful methods applied in hair transplantation?

FUT, FUE and DHI are the 3 most well-known methods applied in hair transplantation with successful results.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation is known as strip surgery and is one of the oldest methods of hair transplantation. The surgeon removes a strip of skin with hair follicles from the donor area and separates the strip into smaller grafts. He then transplants the smaller strips into the required area. It is mostly applied in cases where baldness has increased a lot. The healing process may take longer than other procedures.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

FUE, the most popular and modern hair transplantation technique of recent times, involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area, mostly from the nape and sides of the head, and transplanting them to sparse or bald areas. FUE hair transplantation is a newer and more modern procedure than FUT. Unlike FUT, the surgeon uses a micro-drilling instrument to remove each individual hair follicle and the extracted follicles are then implanted into the recipient site through small incisions. The procedure is usually less painful. It also leaves no scarring.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) Sapphire Method:

Micro Sapphire DHI technique is the newest and most advanced technique in hair transplantation. In Sapphire, just like the FUE method, individual hair follicles are collected from the donor area using advanced micromotors. A micro blade made of sapphire is used for more precise and accurate hair channels. The harvested grafts are meticulously implanted in the recipient area with the help of a special DHI implanter pen. This advanced tool provides the best protection for the delicate hair grafts. Thanks to modern instruments that have gone far beyond traditional instruments, it provides faster healing and minimises scarring.

What are the alternative ways of hair loss?

There are non-surgical options for hair loss that may work other than hair transplantation. Some of these options are as follows:

Lazer Terapisi:

Düşük seviyeli lazer tedavisi (LLLT) saç köklerini uyararak yeni saçların çıkmasını sağlayabilir. Ancak kişinin saç yapısından kaynaklı ve köklerin durumuna göre herkes de etkili değildir.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment:

In PRP treatment, a technician draws blood with an injection and injects it into your scalp. This treatment can promote hair growth and further strengthen existing hair.


Over-the-counter medicines such as Minoxidil are very effective in stimulating hair growth on your scalp. However, it does not solve the hair loss problem. Finasteride can also be effective in the early stages of hair loss. They may not be very effective if you lose your hair after a medical condition. You should also read the terms of use before use.

These alternatives can provide you with good results. However, these treatment methods are not long-term solutions. For example, when you stop using medication, your hair cycle will return to the beginning. In addition, continuity is important to see the effects of PRP.

What is the importance of finding a suitable surgeon for hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a sensitive, important and partly long-term process. It is very important to find the best surgeon in order to go through this process in the best way and to achieve successful results after the operation. With the right and expert surgeon, the most appropriate procedure is applied to you and maximum efficiency is obtained from hair transplantation. In this way, the success rate also increases. It is also important that your surgeon speaks a common language with you and can establish the right communication. A surgeon who knows his job will satisfy you in every way and will strive to get good results.

Hair transplantation in Turkey is the most applied country in the world. This has led to the emergence of many successful surgeons in the country. You can closely investigate the surgeons in Turkey and contact with patients who have previously received service, you can benefit from their opinions.

For more information about our services, visit our clinic’s website at Additionally, you can learn more about Dr. MFO, the highly experienced surgeon leading our team, by visiting his website at

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