Hair Transplant Clinic by Dr. MFO

Female Hair Transplant in Turkey: A Complete Guide

Hair loss is a common and distressing problem that affects many women around the world. It can have various causes, such as genetics, hormones, stress, aging, illness, or medication. Hair loss can affect the appearance, self-esteem, and quality of life of women, and may limit their choices of hairstyles, accessories, or clothing.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can help women restore their hair and confidence: female hair transplant in Turkey.

Female hair transplant in Turkey is a type of cosmetic surgery that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body (usually the back or sides of the scalp) to another (usually the front or top of the scalp) to create a fuller and thicker hair. This procedure can also be used to lower the hairline, fill in the temples, or cover scars or burns.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about female hair transplant in Turkey, such as:

  • How does it work and what are the benefits?
  • Who is a good candidate and what are the requirements?
  • How to prepare and what to expect during and after the surgery?
  • How much does it cost and where to get it?
  • What are the risks and complications and how to avoid them?

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of female hair transplant in Turkey and whether it is right for you.

Female Hair Transplant in Turkey

How Does Female Hair Transplant in Turkey Work and What Are the Benefits?

Female hair transplant in Turkey works by harvesting hair follicles from a donor area (usually the back or sides of the scalp, where the hair is more resistant to hair loss) and implanting them into a recipient area (usually the front or top of the scalp, where the hair is more sparse or missing). The hair follicles are carefully selected and arranged to match the direction, angle, and density of the natural hair, creating a seamless and realistic result.

There are two main methods of performing female hair transplant in Turkey: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Both methods have their pros and cons, and the choice depends on the individual’s preferences, goals, and budget.

  • FUT: FUT involves removing a strip of skin with hair follicles from the donor area, and dividing it into smaller grafts that are implanted into the recipient area. This method allows for a larger number of grafts to be transplanted in one session, and it may produce a higher density and quality of hair. However, FUT also leaves a linear scar on the donor area, which may be visible if the hair is cut short or shaved. FUT also requires a longer recovery time and may cause more pain and discomfort.
  • FUE: FUE involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area, and inserting them into tiny incisions in the recipient area. This method avoids the need for a strip of skin to be removed, and therefore does not leave a linear scar. FUE also has a shorter recovery time and may cause less pain and discomfort. However, FUE may also require more sessions to achieve the desired result, and it may produce a lower density and quality of hair. FUE may also cause more damage to the donor area, reducing the available supply of hair for future transplants.

The benefits of female hair transplant in Turkey are numerous and significant. Some of the benefits are:

  • Improved appearance and self-esteem: Female hair transplant in Turkey can enhance the appearance and beauty of women, by creating a fuller and thicker hair, lowering the hairline, filling in the temples, or covering scars or burns. This can boost their self-esteem and confidence, and make them feel more comfortable and happy in their own skin.
  • Permanent and natural-looking results: Female hair transplant in Turkey can produce permanent and natural-looking results, as the transplanted hair follicles will continue to grow and blend with the existing hair. The results will also be customized and tailored to the individual’s facial features, preferences, and goals, ensuring a harmonious and balanced outcome.
  • Minimal maintenance and care: Female hair transplant in Turkey does not require any special maintenance or care, as the transplanted hair will behave like the natural hair. Women can style, wash, and color their hair as they wish, without worrying about damaging or losing their hair. They can also enjoy a variety of activities, such as swimming, sports, or traveling, without any limitations or restrictions.

How Much Does Female Hair Transplant in Turkey Cost and Where to Get It?

Female hair transplant in Turkey is not a cheap procedure, as it involves a lot of time, skill, and resources. The cost of female hair transplant in Turkey can vary depending on various factors, such as:

  • The number and method of grafts: The more grafts that are needed, the higher the cost of the surgery. The method of grafts (FUT or FUE) can also affect the cost, as FUE is usually more expensive than FUT, due to the higher labor and equipment involved.
  • The location and reputation of the clinic: The cost of female hair transplant in Turkey can also vary depending on the location and reputation of the clinic. Some countries or regions may have lower or higher prices, depending on the demand, supply, and quality of the service. Some clinics may also charge more or less, depending on their experience, expertise, and results.
  • The additional services and expenses: The cost of female hair transplant in Turkey may also include some additional services and expenses, such as the consultation, the anesthesia, the medication, the aftercare, the travel, the accommodation, and the taxes. These services and expenses can add up to the total cost of the surgery, and may vary from clinic to clinic.

To give you an idea of the average cost of female hair transplant in Turkey, here is a table with price comparisons for some popular countries in the world where this work is done. The table also includes Turkey, which is one of the best destinations for female hair transplant, as we will explain later.

CountryAverage Cost of Female Hair Transplant

As you can see, Turkey offers the lowest price for female hair transplant, while maintaining a high quality and standard of service. This is why many women choose Turkey for their hair restoration, as we will discuss in the next section.

Why Choose Turkey for Female Hair Restoration?

Turkey is one of the most popular and preferred destinations for female hair restoration in the world. According to a report by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), Turkey performed more than 300,000 hair transplant procedures in 2019, accounting for 18.3% of the global market share. There are many reasons why women choose Turkey for their hair restoration, such as:

  • High quality and expertise: Turkey has a large number of qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeons and clinics, who use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure the best results. Many of them are members of reputable organizations, such as the ISHRS, the European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ESHRS), or the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (TPCD). They also have a high success rate and a low complication rate, and they offer a guarantee for their work.
  • Affordable and competitive prices: Turkey offers very affordable and competitive prices for hair transplant surgery, compared to other countries in Europe, North America, or Asia. The average cost of a hair transplant in Turkey is around $2,000, while the same procedure can cost up to $15,000 in the US, $10,000 in the UK, or $8,000 in Germany. The low cost of living, the favorable exchange rate, and the government subsidies for the health sector are some of the factors that contribute to the low prices in Turkey.
  • Cultural and historical attractions: Turkey is a country with a rich and diverse culture and history, that attracts millions of tourists every year. Women who visit Turkey for their hair restoration can also enjoy the beauty and charm of its natural and historical sites, such as the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, the Grand Bazaar, the Cappadocia, the Pamukkale, or the Ephesus. They can also experience the hospitality and friendliness of the Turkish people, and the delicious and varied cuisine of the country.


Female hair transplant in Turkey is a type of cosmetic surgery that can help women restore their hair and confidence. There are various options for female hair transplant in Turkey, such as FUT and FUE, but the most effective and permanent one is hair transplant surgery. Turkey is one of the best destinations for female hair restoration, as it offers high quality, affordable, and comprehensive services and facilities. However, choosing the best clinic for female hair restoration in Turkey can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider, such as credentials, reputation, services, facilities, cost, package, communication, and support. Women who are interested in getting a hair transplant in Turkey should do their research, compare their options, and consult with their doctors before making a decision. Female hair restoration can be a life-changing and rewarding experience that can improve the appearance, well-being, and happiness of women. was founded by world-famous plastic surgeon Dr. MFO, who is an expert in facial feminization or facial masculinization surgeries, and is managed under his leadership. Would you like to have a hair transplant under the coordination of a plastic surgeon with many years of experience?

Whether you are a trans woman or a natural born male or female, if you are looking for the best hair transplantcontact us now.

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