Is it possible to have more feminine cheveux? Can MTF individuals have hair transplantation? When should they have it done?
The transition process of MTF individuals brings many questions. In this article, we will look for answers to these questions. Understand FFS and hair transplantation in this article and remove obstacles to your beauty.
Hair is an important indicator in the perception and determination of gender identity. Although real gender identities go beyond appearance, combining body and gender identity is a very important step in reducing anxiety in daily life. Hair is one of the limbs that undergo change at this point. Hair transplantation, which we can also see as part of the FFS procedure, allows trans women to reorganise their hairline and achieve the look they want with feminine hair. So what is the hairline in FFS, let’s take a look together.
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The effect of the hairline procedure with FFS on feminine hair
For transgender women, completing their feminine appearance is a highly sensitive and important issue. Hair is also a serious part of this issue. If the hairline, which we can call the sine qua non of a feminine face, is a little further back, it causes a masculine appearance. A smoother and more prominent hairline adds a feminine look to the face.
Facial feminization surgery (FFS), one of the most common procedures for trans women, is an important consideration to achieve a natural and harmonious hairline. A hairline that complements facial contours significantly affects the overall aesthetic outcome. However, FFS procedures can sometimes alter the hairline and lead to concerns about potential hair loss. However, there are solutions to address your concerns about hair loss.
Hairline Raising Procedures and Possible Hair Loss
There are many procedures in FFS that provide a feminine appearance. However, two of the procedures that are important for hair stand out.
- Forehead Contouring: This procedure aims to reduce the prominence of the brow bone and forehead, which adds a masculine air to the face. With this method, it is possible to have more feminine hair and face.
- Scalp Development: It is a more comprehensive procedure than forehead shaping. This procedure involves physically moving the scalp tissue forwards. In this way, a more feminine appearance is achieved. However, in some cases, it may cause permanent hair loss in the donor area.
If you know some factors that affect hair loss, you can reduce the possibility of hair loss:
- The technique used by the surgeon: An expert surgeon reduces the risk of hair loss thanks to his/her skill and experience.
- History of Hair Loss: People with male pattern baldness due to genetic factors may experience hair loss after FFS procedures.
- Blood Circulation: Adequate blood flow to the area where the surgery is performed reduces the risk of hair loss. A disruption in blood flow can make it difficult to nourish the hair follicles and may cause permanent hair loss.
We think it is useful to remind you that finding an experienced, board-approved facial plastic surgeon in FFS is very important for your expectations to be met and for a process free from anxiety. The possibility of hair loss may vary from person to person.
Hair loss after FFS scarring: What to look out for
No matter how skilled and experienced your surgeon is, in some cases some scarring after FFS is inevitable. Scars can lead to hair loss. However, paying attention to some points at this point can solve hair loss:
- Scars Areas: Hair follicles are weaker in the area of scars. This can lead to permanent hair loss or make hair growth difficult.
- Scar Minimisation Techniques: An experienced surgeon uses some techniques to minimise scars, carefully remove stitches and reduce tension in the skin. By using these techniques, it aims to minimise hair loss.
- Greffe de cheveux : You can solve hair loss after scars with hair transplantation techniques after FFS.
Although hair loss is a negative situation for feminine hair and feminine face, permanent solutions with developing technology will reduce your concerns.
When is hair transplantation performed during FFS?
The FFS procedure is a great long-term journey due to its comprehensive content. However, at the end of this process, hair loss can occur after surgeries such as the hairline mentioned above. At this point, hair transplantation, which stands in front of us as a solution, will be appropriate after the FFS process. There is no need to worry because your surgeon, whose experience you trust, will guide you in the most accurate way.
Hair Transplant Process After FFS: Will Your Hair Work?
Everything went well on the FFS path you set out with all your courage, but there is a problem! The great danger of feminine hair: Hair loss! But fortunately, we have a Superman to save this situation: Hair Transplantation!
Hair transplantation is a great way to complement the femininity and beauty of your facial features by having cool and feminine hair. However, before diving into the world of this Superman, there is one point you should pay attention to: to evaluate the suitability of the donor hair.
What should you know about the donor area?
Hair transplantation is a very exciting adventure in terms of results. The most important and first step in this adventure to give good results is to recognise the donor area.
An experienced surgeon pays attention to the following about the donor area: :
- Condition of the hair in the donor area: For healthy and feminine hair, hair follicles are expected to mimic the delicate texture of female hair.
- Hair Colour: It is important for a beautiful appearance that the colour of the donor hair is compatible with the existing hair.
- Hair Density: The density of hair follicles in the donor area determines the efficiency of hair transplantation. The possibility of collecting a high number of grafts will produce good results.
In addition, hormone changes in the MTF process can affect the donor area. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often part of the journey of trans women, and the good thing is that this hormone positively affects the hair.
What are the techniques used in hair transplantation after FFS?
Hair transplantation is a complementary treatment for trans women on their FFS journey. For trans women who want to reflect their feminine energy with their hair, there are methods they can benefit from. It is a complementary surgery that treats thinning and hair loss that occurs in the hair and hairline after FFS.
At this point, it may be useful to recognise some hair transplantation techniques for trans women to have feminine hair:
1. Extraction d’unités folliculaires (FUE)
FUE is a minimal hair transplantation technique that involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor area with a punch tool. The collected hair follicles are then carefully transplanted into the recipient area.
2. Transplantation d'unités folliculaires (FUT)
In the FUT technique, also known as strip harvesting, a small strip of scalp is removed from the donor area and the strip is divided into individual hair follicles, which are then transplanted to the recipient area.
These two techniques promise you healthy and beautiful hair. You can evaluate which of the techniques and alternatives is suitable for you together with your surgeon.
Completing FFS with hair transplantation
First of all, it should be noted that greffe de cheveux is not a procedure within the scope of FFS. At this point, hair transplantation is an important step in achieving the look you want.
Thanks to hair transplantation and restoration procedures, hair loss or baldness is no longer a problem. Developing technology and studies have ushered in a new era in this regard. With long-term permanent results, natural appearance and increased self-confidence, confidence in hair transplantation has increased among people. Finding answers to questions about hair transplantation will be a road map for you and will relieve your concerns about this issue.
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