Hair Transplant Clinic by Dr. MFO

Unlock the Secrets of the Best Hair Transplant in Turkey: Your Complete Guide

Are you suffering from hair loss, baldness, or thinning hair? Do you want to restore your hair and boost your confidence? Do you want to find the best hair transplant in Turkey, one of the most popular destinations for hair restoration in the world?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you. In this article, we will reveal the secrets of the best hair transplant in Turkey, and help you make the right decision for your hair needs.

We will cover the following topics:

  • What is hair transplant and how does it work?
  • What are the benefits and risks of hair transplant?
  • What are the different methods and techniques of hair transplant?
  • How to choose the best hair transplant clinic and surgeon in Turkey?
  • How much does hair transplant cost in Turkey and how to compare it with other countries?
  • How to prepare for hair transplant in Turkey and what to expect after it?
  • What are the success stories and testimonials of hair transplant in Turkey?

By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive and clear understanding of what hair transplant in Turkey entails, and whether it is the right option for you. You will also learn how to find the best hair transplant in Turkey, and how to ensure a safe and satisfying experience.

We hope that this guide will help you unlock the secrets of the best hair transplant in Turkey, and achieve your hair goals and dreams.

What is hair transplant and how does it work?

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body (called the donor area) to another part (called the recipient area), where the hair is thinning or missing.

The purpose of hair transplant is to restore or enhance the hair growth and density in the recipient area, and create a natural and aesthetic appearance.

Hair transplant can be performed on the scalp, face, or body, depending on the patient’s needs and preferences.

Hair transplant works by exploiting the fact that some hair follicles are resistant to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone that causes hair loss in most cases. These hair follicles are usually located at the back and sides of the head, and are called the permanent zone.

By transferring these hair follicles to the areas where the hair is affected by DHT, such as the front and top of the head, the hair transplant can restore the hair growth and prevent further hair loss.

Hair transplant can be done using different methods and techniques, which we will discuss in the next section.

What are the different methods and techniques of hair transplant?

Hair transplant can be done using different methods and techniques, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common methods are:

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This is also known as the strip method, because it involves removing a strip of skin from the donor area, usually the back of the head, and dividing it into individual follicular units, which are then implanted into the recipient area. This method can provide a large number of grafts in a short time, and is suitable for patients with severe hair loss. However, it also leaves a linear scar in the donor area, which may be visible if the hair is short or shaved. It also requires stitches and a longer recovery time.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): This is also known as the punch method, because it involves using a tiny punch tool to extract individual follicular units from the donor area, and then implanting them into the recipient area. This method does not leave a linear scar, but rather small dot-like scars that are less noticeable. It also does not require stitches and has a shorter recovery time. However, it also requires shaving the donor area, and may take longer and cost more than the FUT method. It may also result in lower graft survival and quality.
  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI): This is a variation of the FUE method, in which the extracted follicular units are directly implanted into the recipient area using a special device called a Choi implanter pen. This method eliminates the need for creating recipient channels, and allows for more precise and dense placement of the grafts. It also reduces the risk of infection and scarring, and improves the graft survival and quality. However, it also requires more skill and experience from the surgeon, and may take longer and cost more than the FUE method.
  • Robotic Hair Transplantation (ARTAS): This is another variation of the FUE method, in which a robotic system is used to perform the extraction and implantation of the follicular units. The system uses a computerized algorithm and a camera to identify and select the best donor follicles, and then uses a robotic arm and a punch tool to extract and implant them. This method can increase the accuracy, speed, and consistency of the procedure, and reduce the human error and fatigue. However, it also requires a high level of technical expertise and maintenance, and may not be able to adapt to the individual characteristics and preferences of the patient.

Each method has its pros and cons, and the best one for you depends on your hair type, hair loss pattern, donor area availability, desired results, budget, and personal preference. You should consult with your doctor and your surgeon to determine the most suitable method for you. 

How to choose the best hair transplant clinic and surgeon in Turkey?

Choosing the best hair transplant clinic and surgeon in Turkey is one of the most important decisions that you will make for your hair restoration journey. The quality and outcome of your hair transplant depend largely on the skill and experience of your clinic and surgeon, as well as the facilities and services that they provide.

Therefore, you should do your homework and research thoroughly before you book your hair transplant in Turkey. Here are some of the factors that you should consider when choosing the best hair transplant clinic and surgeon in Turkey:

  • Credentials: You should check the credentials of your clinic and surgeon, such as their education, training, certification, accreditation, membership, and awards. You should look for clinics and surgeons that are recognized and approved by reputable national and international organizations, such as the Turkish Ministry of Health, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS), or the European Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (EBHRS).
  • Experience: You should check the experience of your clinic and surgeon, such as their years of practice, number of cases, success rate, and specialization. You should look for clinics and surgeons that have a long and proven track record of performing hair transplant surgery, especially for transgender people. You should also look for clinics and surgeons that have expertise and knowledge in the specific method and technique that you want or need, such as FUT, FUE, DHI, or ARTAS.
  • Reputation: You should check the reputation of your clinic and surgeon, such as their reviews, ratings, testimonials, and results. You should look for clinics and surgeons that have positive and consistent feedback from their previous and current patients, as well as from their peers and colleagues. You should also look for clinics and surgeons that have impressive and realistic before and after photos and videos of their work, and that are willing to share them with you.
  • Price: You should check the price of your hair transplant in Turkey, and compare it with other countries and clinics. You should look for clinics and surgeons that offer competitive and transparent prices, without compromising the quality and safety of the procedure. You should also look for clinics and surgeons that offer inclusive and comprehensive packages, that cover all the costs and services related to your hair transplant, such as consultation, surgery, anesthesia, medication, hospitalization, accommodation, transportation, and aftercare. You should also look for clinics and surgeons that offer flexible and convenient payment methods, such as cash, credit card, or installment plan.
  • Service: You should check the service of your clinic and surgeon, such as their communication, availability, accessibility, and support. You should look for clinics and surgeons that are responsive and attentive to your needs and questions, and that provide clear and honest information and advice. You should also look for clinics and surgeons that are easy to reach and visit, and that have convenient and comfortable locations and facilities. You should also look for clinics and surgeons that provide personalized and professional care and support, before, during, and after your hair transplant, and that are respectful and sensitive to your privacy and identity.

To help you find the best hair transplant clinic and surgeon in Turkey, you can use the web search results from my tool, which provide you with some of the top-rated and most trusted options in the country. You can also read the news articles and blogs that share the experiences and tips of other people who have undergone hair transplant in Turkey . You can also watch the videos that show the process and results of hair transplant in Turkey . These sources can give you a better idea of what to expect and how to prepare for your hair transplant in Turkey.

  • Consult your doctor: Before you book your surgery, you should consult your doctor and get a thorough medical evaluation. You should also inform your doctor about your medical history, current medications, allergies, and any other health issues that you may have. Your doctor will advise you on whether you are a suitable candidate for hair transplant surgery, and what type of procedures you need or want. Your doctor will also prescribe you the necessary tests, such as blood tests, hormone tests, and psychological tests, that you will need to take before your surgery. You should also ask your doctor about the risks and complications of hair transplant surgery, and how to prevent or manage them.
  • Choose your clinic and surgeon: After you have consulted your doctor, you should research and compare the different clinics and surgeons that offer hair transplant surgery in Turkey. You should look for their credentials, experience, reputation, reviews, and results. You should also check their prices, services, and facilities. You should contact them and ask them any questions that you may have, such as their availability, booking process, payment methods, cancellation policy, and warranty policy. You should also request a quote and a treatment plan from them, and review them carefully. You should choose the clinic and surgeon that best suit your needs, preferences, and budget. You can use the web search results from my tool to help you find some of the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey.
  • Plan your trip: Once you have chosen your clinic and surgeon, you should plan your trip to Turkey. You should book your flight, accommodation, and transportation in advance, and confirm your surgery date and time with your clinic. You should also check the visa requirements and travel restrictions for your country of origin and destination, and apply for the necessary documents. You should also pack your essentials, such as your passport, visa, medical records, medications, toiletries, and comfortable clothing. You should also prepare some cash, credit cards, or traveler’s checks for your expenses. You should also arrange for someone to accompany you or assist you during your trip, such as a friend, family member, or a medical tourism agency.
  • Follow the pre-operative instructions: Before your surgery, you should follow the pre-operative instructions given by your clinic and surgeon. These may include stopping smoking, drinking, and taking certain medications or supplements, as well as fasting for a certain period of time. You should also avoid any strenuous activities, such as exercise, lifting, or sex, that may affect your surgery or recovery. You should also take care of your hygiene, and wash and shave the surgical area as instructed. You should also inform your clinic and surgeon of any changes in your health or medication, and report any signs of infection or illness.
  • Recover after the surgery: After your surgery, you will be transferred to a recovery room, where you will be monitored and cared for by the medical staff. You may feel some pain, discomfort, swelling, bruising, or bleeding in the surgical area, which can be managed by medication, ice packs, or compression garments. You may also have some bandages, gauze, or stitches in place, which will be removed after a few days or weeks. You may also need to wear a special cap, hat, or scarf to protect and cover your scalp.

You will stay in the hospital for a few hours or days, depending on the type and extent of your surgery, and your recovery progress. You will receive regular check-ups, dressing changes, and wound care from your surgeon and nurses. You will also receive instructions on how to care for yourself at home, such as how to clean, dress, and protect your surgical site, how to manage your pain and discomfort, and how to prevent infection and complications. You will also receive a prescription for antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as a referral for hair care products, such as shampoo, conditioner, or spray.

You will be able to leave the hospital and return to your accommodation, where you will continue to rest and recover. You will need to avoid any strenuous activities, such as exercise, lifting, or sex, for a few weeks or months, until you are fully healed and cleared by your surgeon. You will also need to follow a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids, and take your medications as prescribed. You will also need to keep in touch with your clinic and surgeon, and report any problems or concerns that you may have. You will also need to attend your follow-up appointments, where your surgeon will evaluate your results and remove any remaining stitches or devices.

You will be able to travel back to your home country after you have recovered enough and received the approval from your surgeon. You will need to arrange for your transportation and accommodation, and check the travel regulations and restrictions for your destination. You will also need to carry your medical records, medications, and devices with you, and declare them at the customs if necessary. You will also need to continue your aftercare at home, such as taking your anti-inflammatory drugs, using your hair care products, or doing your hair exercises. You will also need to maintain a regular contact with your clinic and surgeon, and send them your photos and feedback.


Hair transplant surgery is a great way to restore your hair and enhance your appearance. It can also improve your self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. However, it is not a decision that should be taken lightly. It requires a lot of preparation, research, consultation, and commitment. It also involves some risks, complications, and costs that should be considered and weighed carefully.

That is why choosing the best hair transplant in Turkey is crucial. It can make a big difference in the quality and outcome of your surgery, as well as the overall experience and enjoyment of your trip.

Turkey is one of the best destinations for hair transplant surgery, as it offers high-quality, affordable, accessible, and inclusive care for people who want to undergo this procedure. Turkey has many reputable and experienced clinics and surgeons that specialize in hair transplant surgery, as well as modern and comfortable facilities and amenities. Turkey also has a favorable and convenient location, culture, and legal system, as well as a supportive and welcoming community.

If you are interested in hair transplant surgery in Turkey, you can contact us and we will help you find the best hair transplant clinic and surgeon for your needs, preferences, and budget. We will also assist you with your trip planning, booking, transportation, accommodation, and aftercare. We will make sure that you have a smooth and successful surgery, as well as a pleasant and memorable stay in Turkey.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information and insights about hair transplant surgery in Turkey. We also hope that it has inspired you to pursue your hair goals and dreams. We are here to support you and guide you along the way. Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you soon. was founded by world-famous plastic surgeon Dr. MFO, who is an expert in facial feminization or facial masculinization surgeries, and is managed under his leadership. Would you like to have a hair transplant under the coordination of a plastic surgeon with many years of experience?

Whether you are a trans woman or a natural born male or female, if you are looking for the best hair transplantcontact us now.

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