عيادة زراعة الشعر على يد دكتور MFO

الندوب لم تعد مشكلة بعد الآن: أعيدي شعرك إلى حالته الأولى

Are you uncomfortable with scars causing baldness? Are you not satisfied with the image in the mirror? Don’t worry because it is possible to bring back the hair on the scar.

In this article, we will discuss hair transplantation and scarring through solutions for scarring. Scarring can occur in most people for various reasons. Especially the scars that occur in the hair area on the head can cause troublesome situations in terms of both being visible and damaging the hair follicles. Although it is perceived as a simple problem, in some cases it can become an obsession. If you think you are in this situation, you can benefit from the following solutions.

What is Scars Tissue?

Scars or scar tissue are the healing scars of wounds that have occurred for various reasons. In contrast to the existing skin, the scar area may be less elastic, thicker and discoloured. In some cases, it may be permanent.

While the wound heals, it often damages the hair follicles and prevents the hair from regrowing from this area. Scars that occur on the scalp for various reasons cause the formation of balding areas. These scars can become visible and disturb people if they spread over a large area.

Why Does Scarring Prevent Hair Growth?

Hair does not grow in the scarred tissue because the hair follicles that produce hair are damaged. When the follicles are destroyed or blocked by the scar, hair growth does not occur in that area. In contrast to normal skin, the scar is less nourished and consequently loses the necessary blood supply for hair growth. This negatively affects the hair growth period.

Does Hair Transplantation on Scars Give Effective Results?

Absolutely yes, hair transplantation is performed on scars and mostly good results are obtained. Hair transplantation techniques such as Follicular Unit Extraction (تقنية FUE) وزراعة الوحدات البصيلية (كرة قدم), especially under the name of hair transplantation, give extremely effective results. However, unlike normal hair transplantation, we can say that it is a much more complicated process.

Compared to hair transplantation to normal skin tissue, hair transplantation to the area with scar tissue can be more extensive. In this case, the process may take longer in the scarred area where hair transplantation is performed and may be supported by several more surgeries. At this point, working with a surgeon who is an expert in the field will ensure successful results.

How does the hair transplant process progress?

The scar is thick in texture and is a slightly challenging area for hair transplantation. However, a carefully and devotedly planned and executed hair transplantation process increases the likelihood of successful results in this tissue. To better understand the process, you should understand the following:

  • الاستشارة: You will exchange information with your surgeon about your scar and the resulting hair loss. Your hair transplant surgeon will plan the procedure in the best way for you after making the necessary examinations.
  • Hair follicle extraction: Healthy hair from the donor area is carefully removed by your surgeon. Surgeons mostly prefer FUE in this type of procedure.
  • Hair follicle transplant: Hair follicles extracted from the donor area are transplanted to the scarred area. At this point, your surgeon will place them at the right angle and depth in accordance with hair growth for a natural appearance.
  • Post Hair Transplant Care: Your surgeon will talk about a plan about the healing and care process after hair transplantation. It is extremely important to follow your surgeon’s instructions for good results. It is necessary to wait a few months to see the full growth of hair from the scar area.

What are the Natural Methods of Reducing Scars?

Although scars are perceived as a simple problem, they can cause self-confidence problems due to appearance in some people and disrupt their daily life. However, it is possible to reduce the prominence of these scars with natural methods. These solutions usually do not bring the hair back, but they are very effective in improving the appearance of scars. It can also be considered as a preliminary preparation for people considering hair transplantation before surgery.

  • Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E is one of the most beneficial vitamins for the skin. Regular application of vitamin E oil to scars can increase the elasticity of the skin and reduce the prominence of the wound.
  • Aloe Vera: Aleo vera is a very skilful plant in healing scars on the skin thanks to its ingredients. It especially helps to reduce redness and swelling.
  • Massage: Blood circulation is one of the most effective methods of the natural healing process. Massaging with effective creams or oils can accelerate the blood circulation in the wound area or stimulate the nerves and start healing in that area.
  • Anti-inflammatory Medicines: Medications that are good for injury and inflammation can reduce inflammation, it may be possible to minimise the scar or its size.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is one of the oils with high healing and regenerating properties for many parts of the body from skin to hair. Thanks to the acids it contains, it heals scars if applied regularly to the injured area.


Choosing a good clinic and an expert surgeon is very important especially for people who have hair loss due to scarring. Although hair transplantation has a high success rate in terms of results, it is possible to increase this chance even more with the right surgeon.

In this way, it is possible to regain self-confidence by eliminating regional baldness caused by scarring. Thanks to hair transplantation, the scar is not a permanent problem to be worn on the head, it is just a small problem that has a solution and needs to be dealt with.c

لمزيد من المعلومات حول خدماتنا، قم بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني على www.hairtrans.com أو تحقق من ذلك دكتور مفوالموقع الشخصي لـ https://www.dr-mfo.com/tr/نحن هنا لدعمك في رحلتك نحو شخصية أكثر ثقة وذات مظهر طبيعي.

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